
Below is a listing of the many ministries that serve the Lord at Mount Olive Baptist Church:

Deacon Ministry

Our mission, as followers of Jesus Christ, is to assist the pastor in performing his duties as the under shepherd of this church, and to advise the pastor on matters pertaining to the welfare of the church. Our purpose is to visit to sick, care for those in need, and attend to the widows, widowers, bereaved and the absentee members.


Deaconess Ministry

Our mission, as followers of Christ, is to lead other faithful believers to become Christians and to serve Christ. Our goal and objective is to recognize the needs and respond to those needs by reaching out to the other members of the congregation and community to make them feel welcome in the church, to instill the love of Chris and respect for His word in the hearts of young women, who come to us for council and advice in spiritual and moral matters.

Trustee Ministry

As stewards of God's gifts we are to use sound financial principals, make policy decisions and govern the affairs of the church effectively and efficiently. Always mindful of God's decree, "bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." (Malachi 3:10)

Sunday School Ministry

Our mission is to train disciples of Christ to obey all that he has commanded by equipping them with an in-depth knowledge of His word, a thorough understanding of its demands, and practical instruction in applying His work into their daily lives.

Youth & Young Adults Ministry

The mission of the Mount Olive Youth Department (MOBY) is to commit a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The provide a place location in the beauty of God's nature where the youth of Mount Olive can gather to learn and study God's truths, build God's kingdom, and have Christian fun. In sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Mount Olive Youth Department will provide an atmosphere for nurturing individual Christian commitments and developing Christian leaders.

Missionary Ministry

Our mission is to conscientiously serve our God, our church, our community and the world. To make the most of our resources - to help the sick, the poor and the needy everywhere. To pray for those in need of prayers and to lend a helping hand. To be God's channel to bless others.

Board of Education Ministry

The Board of Education Ministry equips the Mt. Olive family in Christian and secular education by overseeing the Church family's educational goals through the study of God's word to promote Christ, church and community.



Audio & Video Ministry

The audio and video ministry members work to glorify Jesus Christ by providing quality video and sound support to those speaking, singing or playing music, that the message in video, work or song would be clearly seen, heard and understood. Our purpose is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ through electronic video and sound reinforcement, as well as in our individual lives.

Website Ministry

This mission is to develop and maintain the "face" and online presence of Mount Olive on the internet. This will help enhance and expend the presence of Mount Olive to the work by providing a gateway for spiritual growth and an avenue for building connections and increasing Mount Olive's capacity for mission, ministry and membership.

Sisters in Christ Ministry

This ministry's mission is dedicated to inspire self-esteem, unity, and to build the body, soul and spirit.

Usher Ministry

Our mission is to be a personal representative of Jesus Christ, who sets the tone for the worship service as we greet people when they arrive at church. Our ministry is important, our skills are developed, enthusiasm is high, techniques efficient and ready to accept the challenge. Striving for a high standard of excellence to help, inspire, motivate and add joy to each Sunday morning. We will help people let down their guards, open their hearts, and relax their minds for the worship of God and the direction of His Holy Spirit.

Five Loaves and Two Fish

Our primary mission is to feed those who suffer from hunger and assist our patrons to become self-sufficient.

Senior Choir Ministry

The Senior Choir ministers to the church congregation by bringing Gold's message through song. They provide music during the third Sunday morning service, outreaching to the sick and shut-it at the local nursing home and by request of the pastor. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they sing unto God, sing praises to His name, extol his that rideth, upon the heavens by His name JAH, and rejoice before him (Psalm 68:4).

Men's Chorus Ministry

The Men's Chorus ministers to the world and spreads the gospel music, encourages spiritual growth within its membership, and witnesses to God's grace This branch of the church's music ministry provides worship music during the second Sunday morning service and at the request of the pastor, neighboring churches and the nursing home. This members of the group support the total ministry of the church.

Gospel Chorus Ministry

The Gospel Chorus ministers to the people through music and brings God's message through song. The chorus sings songs that are scripturally based and the edify the listener and glorify God. They provide the worship music during the first Sunday morning service, and at the request of the pastor and neighboring churches and organizations. The members support the total ministry of the church. By attending rehearsals, they aspire to study to show themselves approved, workers that are not ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15).

Floral Ministry

To beautify the church with fresh floral arrangements every Sunday and on special occasions.