The Working Church
The Book of the Acts of the Apostles
Bible Study November 2024
Mount Olive Baptist Church Rectortown, VA
Study #1
•The Concept of Work
--Revelations 21:2-3; Genesis 2:5
–Acts 1:12-14
•Instructions from Christ (1:4) to wait and pray
•Included: 1) the remaining disciples, 2) women, 3) Mary the mother of
Christ, 4) and Christ’s Brothers (John 7:5; I Corinthians 15:7)
The center of the agenda was to appoint a new disciple or apostle as the are
called now. This new term is transitional continuation of the calling of the original twelve. (Praying/Seeking Guidance/Organization)
The Power,
The Formation,
And The Work
Of The Church
Mount Olive Baptist Church, Rectortown, VA (Nov 21 2024)
Introduction to the Book of Acts
Luke (companion to Paul) is generally considered as the primary writer
Purpose - Account of the Development and Movement of the Early Church - In Four Interwoven Phases